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The Springfield Symphony Youth Orchestras (SSYO)

Since 1944 both the SSO and Springfield Symphony Youth Orchestras have been woven into the fabric of our communities. Throughout the area we serve, the SSO strives to provide young musicians – and young listeners – with exposure to classical music and live performances that can educate and inspire.

The SSYOs are three merit-based orchestras sponsored by the Springfield Symphony Orchestra, for talented young musicians (through grade 12) living in the Pioneer Valley and beyond. The SSYO will perform three Sunday afternoon concerts and two free concerts for young children. These events offer the perfect family-friendly way to introduce your children to the magic of live orchestral music. Additional opportunities such as sectionals with members of the SSO, an annual field trip, and our concerto competition provide an engaging musical environment for young musicians.

Auditions for the Springfield Youth Camerata (an introductory orchestra that develops ensemble skills),  Springfield Youth Sinfonia (an intermediate orchestra for students of all ages), and the Springfield Youth Orchestra (an advanced orchestra that cultivates standard orchestral repertoire) are held several times during the calendar year.

Join the SSYO for the 2024-2025 Season!

First-round priority auditions for the 2024-2025 Season will be BY VIDEO.

Click the button below to register and read how to make your video.

Online Registration & Audition Video InformationOnline Registration & Audition Video Information

Benefits of Membership in the SSYO

  • Great repertoire
  • Fellowship with other talented musicians
  • Complimentary and discounted tickets to SSO concerts
  • Sectionals
  • Masterclasses and coaching
  • Concerto Competitions

Rehearsal Schedule

Rehearsals for both SYS and SYO are held most Sundays during the academic year (September-May) from 5:00 – 7:45 PM, at Holyoke Community College. Youth Orchestra concerts are held in November, February and May.

SSYO BrochureSSYO Recruitment PosterSSYO Policy Handbook

Tuition and Scholarship Information

Tuition for participation in SYS/SYO for the 2024-2025 season is $450, with a discounted sibling price of $395. Partial and full need-based scholarships and work-study positions are available. Contact Youth Orchestra Manager Rocío Mora for more information.

Paying Your Tuition: Each student needs their own tuition “ticket”. Once you click on the blue “Buy Tickets” button, select the total number of students you are paying for and add it to your cart (link on right side). While in your cart, select the type of ticket for each student. One HAS to be a “regular ticket”, the remaining students are “SSYO-Additional Mu” and the sibling discount will automatically be applied. Then continue through the checkout process. Kindly submit your tuition payment by the first rehearsal.

Pay Your 2024-25 Tuition

Youth Orchestra Concerts

The Springfield Symphony Youth Orchestras perform at least 5 times per year. Three of these concerts are full ticketed programs, with both orchestras performing symphonic repertoire in the spectacular Springfield Symphony Hall. These concerts are enjoyed by all ages, families and the public that prefers Sunday matinee performances.

Extra concerts offer shorter programs and are scheduled in unique spaces around Springfield and across the region. These concerts, free to the public, highlight the SSYO’s chamber groups, or just one orchestra and are designed for a younger audience. These include:

  • Hoops and Harmony, a yearly event in the theater at the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame
  • Small group performances during intermission or pre-concert for the Springfield Symphony Orchestra
  • Side by side performances with the Springfield Symphony Orchestra
  • “Thank an Artist” with the Springfield Cultural Partnership in the MGM Springfield Courtyard
  • Family Fiesta at Tower Square in Springfield